大学/大专院校组 - 创新奖 (社交连系)

智能健身站 (FIT)

Smart FIT Station (只提供英文版本)

“Smart FIT Station” is a cross-discipline project. A healthcare system with IoT, Big Date, Drive, and AI technology to help the elderly get interested in sports and pain relief exercise, lead them to do the exercise effectively, correctly, and safely. It can follow the elderly’s health condition for a long period and use fun games to encourage them to keep doing exercise. Users can also create a personal account and report by using the mobile app.

3 Jun 2022

V1 "Beginning"

After the design and discussion, our team kick-started the prototype production. There were many difficulties in the production process, including human resources, software development, material application, etc. Through a month of hard work, our prototype was finally born in June.

24 Jun 2022

Pilot in Public Housing at HKHS

Smart FIT Station officially launched in Lok Man Sun Chuen. The Gerontech Ambassador "Kalok Chow" and elderly volunteers were invited to trial first. It was an inclusive session and there was warm communication between the youth and elderly. Thanks to the support from HKHS and City I&T Grand Challenge to make this happen.

22 Aug 2022

Share with Smart City Working Group

We are happy to share the project with Chamber’s Smart City Working Group. The Working Group members come from Octopus Cards, Microsoft, MTR, CLP Power, etc. The idea of Smart FIT Station was shared and put into action, and obstacles were overcome. We showed our project outcome and collect their opinion. We learned so much from the senior’s suggestions and experiences. We wish to promote and develop Gerontech with all walks of life, so the elderly can enjoy a fruitful second half of life.

Nov 2022

Pilot Trial

Pilot trial has been completed with elderlies in November. Founders: “A magical journey to turn the team’s innovation into a business”; “Great sense of satisfaction to learn that the solution can bring actual benefit to improve the health of the elderlies.”