公開組 - 創新獎 (社交連繫)

老友友善 • 視像專線(簡稱「老友友」)

視像專線《老友友》 LYY Video Chat Box (只提供英文版本)

“LYY” is a device designed to assist senior citizens in their use of video communications via home televisions. It offers a new channel for your parents or grandparents to keep in touch with others and upkeep their social life even when they just stay at home.

June & July

Market Validation & Data Mining

A research study composed of an online consumer survey (300 adults with parents aged 60+ not living together) and 6 in-depth interviews (age 60+) were conducted with objectives to understand the acceptance and applications of LYY as a new communication device. The main use of the results is to develop a marketing plan for LYY as a commercial product, readily available in mass distribution channels for people to purchase as gifts for their parents. Results indicate that those who have been exposed to the product have a very high propensity to purchase. However, respondents also expect additional services as with regular mass electronic products (warranty, installation and hotline, etc.). A short product video featuring the concept and functions of LYY was used in the online survey; and for the in-depth interviews, an MVP was used for demonstration.

21 July

Demonstration Session at Lion Rock 72

For the pilot program, we propose to invite collaborations from NGOs/institutes and wish to identify and recruit trial users & volunteers from their list of clients/registry. The program requires physical access to users’ homes and pre-installation briefing/demonstration sessions beforehand. Our progress has been affected by the fifth wave COVID-19 but we have been making the best use of the resources made available to us at Lion Rock 72. Visitors can make appointments and come around to see how the device works and subsequently sign up as trial users.

At present

Inspirations and Learnings

From the months of co-creation experience, we have come to realize that in order to create a new normal of LYY connections between friends and family circles, it should not be just a consumer electronic product for people to buy. It has to include a new service that is delicately programmed to build on or integrate with the user's routine and/or lifestyle. Many of the elders we got in touch with in the process, particularly those who have been living independently, enjoy the feeling of ‘to-be-needed’ more than ‘to-be-helped’. Many of them were well-educated and knowledgeable and could easily make a difference in others’ lives by sharing their thoughts, experiences and networks. They have much to offer and not just sitting and waiting for life saving services. Therefore, LYY has to be a product with contents/programs that not only connect older people on a social level, but also promote/enable the younger generations to reach out to older people and benefit collectively.

Nov 2022

Pilot Trial

Pilot trial has been completed with elderlies in November. A pilot user: “Use of television allows for more convenient and comfortable video experience for the elderlies.”