Open Group - Innovation Awards (Environment Sustainability)

Utilizing and transforming recycled food waste among reactivated local ponds in zero distance

Feedspresso – Waste2Feeds

An encapsulated treatment solution along with ESG and SDG aspect

In Hong Kong, there are over 3,600 tons of daily food waste generated from our community, 40% belongs to commercial food waste. Nowadays there is only one exit for commercial food waste to be handled, food to waste collection suppliers to come over and dispose them to either OPark1 or landfill. Although OPark1 is the only food waste treatment centre, the composite after anaerobic digestion will also be transported to landfill, not only the process consumes a lot of energy, the landfill processing will also cause a lot of greenhouse gas emission, especially carbon dioxide and methane. Feedspresso is a decentralized mobile food waste transformation into animal feed solution, which can consume up to 8 tons of reusable food waste input, and up to 600kg transformed animal feed output. District food waste scattered around the city, Feedspresso is designed to fit in nearby markets, shopping centres, food courts' zero distance handling concept can be applied.

28 March 2022

Feedspresso won Geneva Inventions 2022 Silver Medal

Feedspresso joined the world's foremost event for the global innovation and technology community, and we received the Silver Medal as the recognition. We will stay motivated and continue to contribute to sustainable technology and solutions.


15 July 2022

Kick-start our ‘Waste2Feeds’ ideation into real life

Feedspresso has gotten ready to transform food waste into animal feeds after the long set up of the first pilot site in Sheung Shui Kwu Tung. More information is at .


1 September 2022

Our sustainable technology brings SDGs impact

Since pilot run is on the go, food manufacturers and restaurants around the neighbourhood collaborate with us and providing us selected pre-dining food waste. Animal feed formula are undergoing certification process and R&D with the participation of the local farmers. Property developers show interest in our ESG and SDGs green solutions while municipal solid waste (MSW) charging and HKEX carbon market are on the way. Feedspresso is in the news.

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Nov 2022

Pilot Trial

Pilot trial has been completed with Living Lamma and local aquaculture and agriculture farmers at Ho Sheung Heung in November. A pilot user: “Supportive as the project can benefit the environment and the fishery industry.”