I&T for Nature (Yama)
University/Tertiary Institute Group
YamaNOTE Jaii (山手掣)

User Pain Points

In recent years, hiking has become more popular in Hong Kong while extreme heat has intensified under climate change, resulting in an increase in both risks and number of reported cases for hikers having heat exhaustion and heat stroke.  For citizens planning outdoor activities, Hong Kong Observatory's weather forecasts are a crucial risk assessment tool. As of now, HKO does not have the capability to provide hikers with location-specific, high-resolution weather forecasts. To solve this gap and further popularize hiking, we are implementing a series of Internet of Things (IoT) facilities to encourage self-awareness of heat stress by hikers.

Solution Benefits

We propose integrating low-cost LoRa-based automatic weather stations (AWS), location-based weather forecasts, real-time displays, and the "GREEN$ Mobile Apps" by EPD. These designs require no manual charging or maintenance. Each selected post along hiking trails features a tilted 3D-printed shelter, protecting the button and E-ink display panel from rain and sun. Hikers can press the button to earn green$ and receive the latest weather forecast with the latest measured AWS data by scanning a QR code on the display. Green$ can be redeemed for free drinks after completing the hike. "Pressing" counts helps assess trail usage and government risk evaluation.

Technologies Applied

Through this solution, we integrate our research on microclimate and tourism into practical risk assessments of hikers' thermal comfort. By recording their location and Physiological Equivalent Temperature during hiking, hikers’ safety can be safeguarded. This is because our system provides government with real-time statistics on hiker flow at specific hiking trails. It is envisaged that the public would be provided with real-time weather forecasts and alerts, as well as detection records of suspicious activity by system, which can inform government rescue agencies to take immediate action. This encourages the community to hike as a form of an enjoyable exercise.

Target Users

User Profile / Persona:

Our primary users are hikers and the government. In 2022, the number of local and international hikers in Hong Kong doubled from previous decades. Many hikers, especially those aged 40 and above, are concerned about weather conditions due to their increasing vulnerability to injuries as health declines.

At the same time, the government is keen on promoting eco-tourism and low-impact hiking to enhance both tourism and economic development in Hong Kong. They want to ensure hiker safety, efficient mountain rescues, and minimal environmental impact from hiking activities.

User Scenario and Goals:

From hikers’ standpoint, they are concerned about hiking risks, including:
1. Poor weather, 
2. Personal physical health, and 
3. Accidents during the walk.
Traditionally, most of them plan and assess risks via Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) weather forecasts and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)’s “Enjoy Hiking” app. 

From the government’s standpoint, to promote sustainable hiking and eco-tourism, they wish to:
1. Enhance hikers’ safety,
2. Preserving nature by maintaining activities within the ecological limits, and
3. Provide accurate and timely rescues. 
So far, there has been no integrated solution including the features above.